Youtube Clone

As YouTube has got global success, and after this, there is a huge demand for YouTube clone apps. Nowadays, it is designed to boost the simplicity of both users and service providers. This cutting-edge YouTube Clone offers a strong search option for filtering out the best videos based on the video suggestions and user’s inputs at the apps home page. Users can also like and dislike videos and can give reviews. If users see any inappropriate video on the app, they can report it, and Admin can also investigate for the same.

YouTube Video Clone App Development Company- BR Softech

YouTube Video Clone App Development Company- BR Softech

At BR, we provide you with the opportunity not only to enter but also to rule the online video-streaming industry very easily. Our expert team will provide you with a clone app comprising all the latest features involving playback option. We also develop state-of-art YouTube-like apps that provide both service takers and service providers, along with the interactive user interface, easy video upload, and download option. Clients are also given with a strong admin dashboard that is designed to analyze and enhance the app performance.

An Overview of the YouTube Clone App

With the increased use of smart mobile devices, the demand for apps like YouTube has been increased day-by-day. The online video portal will be provided for both Google Play and Apple App Store users so that all the people can enjoy the app services. The YouTube clone accommodates all the users to create video channels and playlists, to upload different videos, and many more.

In this app, you can search various channels, videos, and playlists through advanced search options and filters that are executed into the app. They can also share the playlist with friends and other people by social media platforms. A dashboard is provided to Admin for managing video ads, reported channels, commission, etc.

Different Key Technologies Used by BR for Kiosk App Development

Three key technologies are commonly used for developing the best kiosk software. Check out these below-mentioned technologies-

App User

These are below-mentioned steps for the work process of app user-

Easy Register or Login

Users can log into the app through any social media account or login credentials. Login through social media accounts provides them ease as they don’t have to remember many credentials.


This watchlist feature of the clone app will offer users to add their favourite movies or videos to the watchlist so that they can watch them later.

Select Plan

The app similar to YouTube offers the users an advanced setting menu that provides facilities to them to select the plan as per their choice whenever required.

Searching for Video

Users can search for different videos, movies, and many more things that they can explore through the YouTube clone app as per their need.

Download Video

The YouTube clone script developed by us permits the users to download the movies and videos by a download option that is available in the app.

Genre Wise Data

People can search and sort any type of content on the clone app like horror, drama, romance, comedy, and many more.


Here are the rights to the Admin-


Admin has the right to check the list of currently added users, content, and other essential data by the advanced dashboard available to them.

Managing Users

We provide an efficient admin panel in a similar app like YouTube so that Admin can manage users easily and also the subscription package.

Video Management

Through following the policy and violations, Admin can add or disable images, videos, etc. easily. An impressive panel of Admin can do it.

Subscription Plan

Admin has the permission to manage and discover the details of subscription payment, SVOD, AVOD, TVOD, and revenue model according to business requirements.

Site Settings

We have provided a feature-rich admin panel of YouTube clone app that gives permission to Admin for managing payment gateway keys, site settings, PPV, commission, etc.

Managing Categories

Admin can edit or add the new categories with the advance admin panel. Even, they can upgrade the cast and crew also by the admin panel.

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What Are Some Advanced Features Provided by BR in YouTube Clone App?

When you are about to launch a clone product in the market, it must have some advanced features into it. It will help the app to remain the best YouTube clone and compete in the industry. To attract the customers and to make an amazing entry in the market, our team has included these rich-features in the YouTube clone, check out these-

  • User Profile

    Through this clone app, users can generate a profile where they can manage complete details like Name, gender, age, watch history, payment options, etc. Also, they can add their favourite movies and videos into it.

  • Content Search

    Being a platform that offers hundreds and thousands of videos, it is imperious to consider the features of filter and search. Through this feature, users will be able to search for their favourite movies or shows.

  • Integrate the Payment Gateway

    It is a must-have feature to receive the payment from the customers. It also makes sure that users can securely pay you when they have a wish to purchase.

  • Push Notifications

    YouTube clone website should update the users about every little thing. If they upload any interesting and popular video, they will get notified soon. This feature will enhance the click rate of videos to lead to more revenue.

  • Reviews and Ratings

    It is a great method of audience engagement, and through this, viewers can decide whether they want to watch the video or not. They can also skip it.

  • Manual Playlist

    It gives the user freedom to create a content list as per their personal preference. By this, they can watch it later anytime and can also share it with other people.

  • Multiple Language Support

    Our YouTube clone will support multiple languages to have more users through this. It is an expensive and good way to manage the content in various languages.

  • Multiple Device Support

    Your clone app should not be limited just to one single platform. The uploaded videos should support all the three major OS players that are available for iOS, Android, and Windows.

  • Social Sign-In

    It reduces the necessity of remembering various credentials of social accounts. Through this feature, you can log in to this by any other social media account. It will be a fast and easy way to log in.

These features, as mentioned above, included in the YouTube clone app, will make this app unique from others. This rich-featured app will help you in your business growth and increase revenue than before.

What Makes BR Stand Apart Than Any Other YouTube Clone App Development Company?

At BR, we design and develop high-quality applications for the growth of your business. With these excellent solutions developed by us, you will get enhanced business revenue than before. Here, we provide a different kind of solutions such as iOS and Android app, Admin panel, and website installation. With the development of this YouTube Clone app, we are trying to offer the best entry into the video streaming app segment to our valuable clients. Here are the services provided by BR-

Fully customizable app and branding
Admin panel to manage rich-features of app
Android and iOS app development
Easily accommodation of various user’s activity
Free bug support
Code for complete customization
On-time project delivery
Well-experienced team for mobile and web developers

To develop the best YouTube clone script, our knowledgeable and professional team will provide you with quality services and flexible customer support. Before the app development, our responsible team does all the needed market research for it. Take our service and have better user experience with us!


Jones Steve

Jones Steve

"I had a great experience while working with BR Softech. Their team was able to understand my terms and concepts for the business. It was an extraordinary experience working with their team, and I would love to take their services in the future again."

Marrie Maggy

Marrie Maggy

"The team of BR was approachable, and communication with them was easy for me. They ensured that their video clone services met with the expectations, and their dedicated team brought out the best results."

Jassy Wilson

Jassy Wilson

"BR Softech has hired a professional and dedicated team for accomplishing the requirements and desires of the customers. They delivered us a magnificent video clone app at the decided time. I would love to work with them again and have such amazing services by them."

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  • Head Office

    BR Softech Pvt. Ltd

    90, Usha Vihar, Triveni Nagar, Gopalpura Byepass,
    Jaipur-302018 , Rajasthan , India

    Tel.: 0141-2763903, Mob: +91-9982201414

  • Sales Office

    BR Softech LLC

    21 Overlook Ridge Terrace, #523 Revere, Boston
    MA, 02151 USA

    Tel: +1-650-727-6690

  • +91-9982201414